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It is a great honor for me to present the “Second Volume” of the interesting “Theory and Problems”, organized by Bárbara Dantas and Rodrigo Cesar Barbosa, especially because the major content of this work is the collection of articles produced from our Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI) LLM Students in Dual Degree with Widener University - Delaware Law School.

Indeed, these young lawyers have done a great job when it comes to studying in an American University, taking credits with us in Brazil and then writing their final Dissertation in order to became Masters in Law from two respected Academic Institutions.

The authors of this e-book are private and public attorneys at law, public prosecutors and academics that decided to make the difference and accepted the challenge of taking all the activities foreseen in the Agreement for this Dual Degree Program, signed in October 2017. They worked very hard and are being successful in their intent.

Part of the result of their efforts is being showed in this e-book. Articles very well written in which they analyze different aspects of Law. In general,  topics were chosen taking into account the familiarity of the author with the issues discussed in the paper, which will be (or has already been) developed in their final works (Dissertations).

As I finish, I would like to say that this book makes us from UNIVALI and Widener feel that our efforts to put in practice this Dual Degree Program were very worthy. But nothing we did is comparable to the dedication these students have showed in taking part of the program. By the way, if it weren’t for them, nothing would make any sense at all.


Marcelo Buzaglo Dantas

Procurador de Justiça formado pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Professor visitante na Pace Law School. Professor permanente da Universidade do Vale do Itajaí. Professor visitante da Universidad de Alicante (Espanha) e da Widener University – Delaware Law School.

Legal Science Series: themes and crisis (E-BOOK 2 - Legal System and Crisis)

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    • Título: Legal Science Series: themes and crisis (E-BOOK 1, Theory and Problems)

    • Organizadores: Rodrigo Cesar Barbosa & Bárbara Dantas

    • Autores: André Luís Holanda Gurgel Pereira, Bárbara Dantas, Carmem Grasiele da Silva, Daniel Granzotto Nunes, Diego de Paula, Gabriela Palhano, Leonardo Palma Malinverni, Pablo Inglêz Sinhori, Rodrigo Cesar Barbosa, Stephano Giacomini Teixeira

    • Editora: Balsamum

    • Ano da edição: 2019

    • Volume: 02

    • Número de páginas: 127

    • Formato: PDF

    • ISBN: 978-65-80766-02-4

    • Assunto: Political philosophy, Constitutional right, Legal Sistem, Power, International law, Brazilian politics. 

    • Idioma: Inglês

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